All the systems use a number of accessories which can be obtained locally or from DCPower4C BV. Some work with both the Circadian based systems, some with ProDurance, some with both!
Additional DC/DC PCBs. Both the Circadian and ProDurance systems have a standard DC/DC PCB and what we term a Piggy back PCB, These can also be mounted in the Quick Boxes or QPD boxes.
There are two normal purposes:
- To add an additional voltage output.
- To increase the load capability by combining the boards. A single PCB has a max continuous load of 150W and a max peak of 175W. The second PCB will effectively double these values, although we advise caution. (take 15% off). If the PCBs are combined to feed a single output, they must be matched by DCpower4C to ensure a voltage balance. We have on occasion supplied 3 interlinked PCBs to further boost loads.
Be aware that other system components such as the batteries themselves, the Inverters, certain cables, and Power supplies all have potential load restrictions to be considered. We strongly advise you to check with our service engineers This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before investing in a complex solution.
Special LCD Displays: The Circadian and ProDurance systems have different communication protocols, so that a different LCD is required for each!
LCD displays also come in an optional Audio version – beeping at programmable intervals to warn at unplugging or low battery.
LCDs can also vary in colour, text or in what is presented according to local market requirements.
Splitter boxes: Allows the customer to convert one output into 3.
Booster Boxes: Allows the customer to change an output voltage - using a screw - in a range from 12 to 35V. Combining with the splitter from the lowest voltage, multiple voltage outputs are possible. These are also useful in stabilizing an output voltage, especially if heavy short terms loads, drop voltages (Cart motor) turn off an application.
Alternate Power Supplies: While we standardize on the Mean Well GSM 220, we can also offer other smaller or larger versions or industrial versions. For higher power use we also supply a RPS 500 which can be delivered with or without fans. Both Power supplies are 2 x MOPP, medically rated.
Non Standard Inverters: Again, we standardize on the Mean Well NTS-400P which is a fan-less Pure Sine Wave Inverter at 230V. However, some customers wish to handle higher loads and we then offer a higher rated inverter or indeed higher wattages. The NTS400 can be switched to 110V for the US markets. Some customers use their own modified sinewave inverters, which is theoretically OK and may cost less, but we have had bad experience with high current surges on selected brands and would advise against using these on medical equipment. Inverters do not meet medical IEC 60601 criteria.
Cart Grounding
DCPower4C systems are Double isolated. There is separation on AC in and AC out. DCPower4C boxes use a pure sine-wave inverter with separation DC-AC transformation. Resistance (inverter_grnd/output to input)>10MOhm. The AC-boxes use a 2xMOPP power supply to power and charge the system. There is no direct or possible connection to the output.
Some boxes have an external power supply, also 2xMOPP, build in. In this case the mains-ground is connected to the minus of the batteries. This does not affect safety or the requirement to ground. It is not necessary to ground the cart but advisable to prevent ESD sparks.
If the cart supplier / system integrator uses a different inverter or power supply, there must be a check on the need to ground. Consult an Electro-technician or DCPower4C engineering.
Custom made cables: DCP4C makes a wide range of cables to meet specific customer needs. There is a choice of Non-OEM or OEM solutions for Jack-tips that vary in cost. Non-OEM versions should be tested before purchasing in bulk and we recommend talking to our customer support This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if in doubt.
Custom Housings: Certain products can be supplied with additional housing to cover and/or protect various components. This can be for complete solutions such as the MPAC box which allows the cart supplier to tidy up various on cart power supplies, or it can be for DC/DC PCBs or Quick box covers or other solutions. Ask us.
Test equipment: There is a variety of test equipment made to control various Hardware connections for correct wiring / short circuits etc.
Software: DCPower4C has several standard software’s available which interface with the USB outputs:
- Firmware upgrade software for batteries, LCDs, and DC/DC PCBs. This allows us to repair, improve or upgrade the units with new functionality.
- Battery test software showing cycles, internal cell balance and a range of other key parameters.
- An LCD display software for installation on the monitor, showing all key runtime and battery status parameters.
Wi-Fi connectivity: This has been developed but not finalized and tested. Should a major customer want the ability to monitor the battery inventory, even when the cart IT is powered down, it can be implemented so that it communicates with central Dash Boards.
Please contact us with any requests you might have, and our engineers might well have a solution ready to go, they will certainly enjoy the challenge to develop something new.